Our Mission is to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ and disciple believers in the Word of God, through prayer, worship, fellowship and service. We believe that every person has been created by God and has been redeemed by His grace. We seek to be a beacon of hope for our community as we proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ and love our neighbor as ourselves. Our vision is to become a house of prayer for all nations and a place where people can find comfort in the midst of their struggles. We strive to be a place where people can experience hope, healing and transformation through the power of God’s love.

“But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.”  Isaiah 40:31


We invite you to join us on social media via Facebook and YouTube to stay updated on the latest news from Hope Church Bronzeville. We would love the chance to tell you more about what we do and what we stand for. Connect with us today and come and experience it for yourself – you won’t be disappointed. So please, take a few short moments to like us and follow us and get to know us better. We’d love to have you join us online, and in person!

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Our pastor

Pastor Samuel Mendenhall of Hope Bronzeville Church is a passionate and dedicated leader who is committed to helping the community. He has been an integral part of the church for many years, providing spiritual guidance and support. He gives back to the community through initiatives such as Sunday school for children, providing mentorship for young adults, and helping those in need. Pastor Samuel Mendenhall is an invaluable part of our church and we are truly blessed to have him in our lives.
  • Samuel Mendenhall

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